Tax Services

Eternity Consulting takes a full view, wholisitic approach to you, your finances, and your taxes. We save you money, we save you the stress of filing correctly, and we save you the stress of wondering if everything is filed accurately and on time.

Taxes are more than a once a year thought – planning today for this tax year to come will permit you to maximize your savings and returns.


Unpaid Back Taxes?


Need to file old taxes? Did you forget to record income, potentially claim unnecessary charges, or pay corporate GST/HST? Was your tax return not what you expected? Are there monies that you think you are missing out on? These can be really stressful!

The tax specialists at Eternity Consulting can help you submit your taxes and resolve any tax concerns if any of these apply to you. A specific tool from the CRA can help you repair mistakes or correct income records. These strategies reduce penalties and interest, and helps you avoid future stress with taxes.

The Key To Tax Success Is Time

Eternity Consulting’s highly experienced accountants apply the best accounting procedures for personal and business applications, and have a lengthy industry-leading record of client satisfaction.

Completing your taxes in a timely manner benefits your business, keeps your financial records clean, and allows you to focus on your business. We take on all the necessary steps to keep your finances in the healthiest state they can be.


Business And Corporate Taxes


Even if there is no tax that needs to be paid, EVERY corporation, including non-profit corporations, tax-exempt corporations, and inactive corporations, is required to file a tax return every year.

It is necessary for a non-resident corporation to submit a T2 return if, at any point during the year, it engaged in business activities in Canada, if it experienced a capital gain that was subject to taxation, or if, under certain circumstances, if the corporation sold taxable property in Canada. If you are wondering it you might have missed something – make sure to connect with us and get your questions answered.

Tackling Taxes with Ease

Remember, you’ve got a full six months after your fiscal year closes to file that corporate tax return. Your fiscal year and tax year? They’re basically twins. Make sure to file by the end of that sixth month, regardless of when your year actually wrapped up.

For the Canadian Controlled Private Corporations in the crowd, if you’ve got the small business credit in your back pocket (and a few other ducks in a row), you’ve earned yourself up to three months post-fiscal year-end to make payments that are outstanding. If there are taxes that are owing – we help manage timelines and reminders to keep your life stress-free.

Adaptive Tax Management Solutions: Remember that the official date of your tax payment is when the tax office receives it, not when it was mailed. This shows how important it is to be cautious. At Eternity Consulting, we don’t just remind you of things; we tailor our services to your amount of income and CRA registration information, because we know that deadlines are different for each client.

Our goal is to provide personalized financial education and management, making it easy to deal with these differences and making sure that every step is planned with your unique needs in mind. You’ll have a smooth, customer-focused experience with us, and we’ll handle your money with care and accuracy.


Strategic Tax Planning Services


The Income Tax Act is a blueprint to help you organize your finances in a way that properly lowers your tax burden. This is called tax planning. It’s crucial to begin this process early; waiting until April means you miss out on 11 months of planning and strategy.

If you plan your taxes ahead of time, you can lower your taxes and also help your long-term financial goals, like saving for retirement or growing your business. Getting expert help from a professional, you can use tax breaks, credits, and other benefits to improve your financial health.

Keep Calm and Tax Plan

Running a business is both rewarding and demanding due to the continuous changes in the market and consumer preferences. The approach of tax season can introduce additional challenges, but it can be a rich time too.

This period offers a perfect opportunity to review and adjust your strategies with the guidance of a tax professional. Working together, you can develop a plan that ensures you meet legal requirements while also using tax planning as a means to increase your profitability and achieve your business goals.

Tailored Tax Guidance and Execution: You need to know what you’re doing before you make decisions, like how to best use tax deductions, choose dividends, or optimize payments without making mistakes about your earnings. Tax rules are always changing, which can lead to honest mistakes that need to be reviewed, corrected, and updated, which costs time and effort – and sometimes money. It is best if we start as we mean to go, and having Eternity Consulting on your team means that we plan for today, tomorrow, and the future.

Careful planning can help you avoid mistakes, which can free up resources for other projects or fun. Hiring professionals to handle your taxes makes the process easier. It takes a potentially mysterious process, and instead creates stress-free results by ensuring your business follows the rules and saves money, while you focus on running your business.


Elevating Your Business Beyond Bookkeeping


Operating a business is challenging enough without the added stress of managing books and taxes. Your time is better spent on business development rather than navigating through financial documents and tax requirements – while necessary, it is also time consuming.

At Eternity Consulting, our tax professionals are equipped to support you in these financial responsibilities. Our services are designed to be budget-friendly, helping you cut through the complexity of taxes while saving money, so you can concentrate on leading your business towards greater success.

Focus on Growth, Not on Paperwork

Keeping good financial records is the key to making more money. You can’t just look at the numbers without listening and understanding what they are telling you; they’re the key to the success of your business. They show you which areas are gold mines and which choices will send your growth through the roof. Remember that you can’t just guess where a ship is going; it needs a compass, and a map and a talented crew. In business, that direction is good financial management.

Good financial management not only makes your money flow better, but it also keeps tax authorities pleased with your business operations. Eternity Consulting is here to make sure that your business runs smoothly and that your paperwork is accurate and submitted on time. Pay attention to what you’re good at, and let us handle the numbers, help you to listen to the directions they reveal, and manage the deadlines so you don’t have to.

Tax Services For Non-Residents

In a time when working abroad is common, it can be hard for both non-residents working in Canada and Canadians working abroad to figure out their tax responsibilities. Earning income in Canada has specific tax requirements for non-residents, and if these requirements aren’t followed correctly, the process can get more complicated than necessary.

Tax Guidelines for Non-Residents with Canadian Investments

For people who don’t live in Canada but have income sources there (rental properties, financial vehicles, business holdings, etc.) , Eternity Consulting specializes in helping them figure out their tax situations. Our team of experienced tax professionals is committed to providing expert advice, from figuring out if you are a Canadian tax resident to making sure that your tax returns are filed in the best way possible according to Canadian law.

With the help of Eternity Consulting, you can make sure that your time earning in Canada while living abroad pays well and doesn’t affect your taxes.

Effective planning, smart investments, and careful spending management are now very important, even critical to your future. Live the way you want to, now and for eternity.

The key is to find a way to live that doesn’t waste money and makes your savings last.

Take the first step today toward your journey of financial security and legacy wealth management with Eternity Consulting.

Our services are Canada wide (excluding Quebec) – our services are personal, our offices are virtual, and our focus is your financial future.